The 2025-2026 application is now closed. The 2026-2027 competition will open in Spring 2025.

US Fulbright Logo

Current U.S. Student

United States citizens who are currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs are eligible to apply.If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a U.S. college or university, you will apply through that institution, even if you are not currently a resident there. Find the Fulbright Program Adviser on your campus.

U.S. Citizen but not a Student

If you are a U.S. citizen, will hold a bachelor’s degree by the award start date, and do not have a Ph.D. degree, then you are eligible to apply. Non-enrolled applicants should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Candidates with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program.

The Getting Started page will provide information on eligibility and next steps.


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program welcomes applications in the creative and performing arts. Arts candidates for the U.S. Student Program should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Artists with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program.

Creative & Performing Arts projects fall under the Study/Research grant category and are available in all countries where Study/Research grants are offered.


U.S. Professor/Administrator

If you are a U.S. citizen and a professor or administrator at a U.S. institution and are interested in applying for a Fulbright Scholar Award, you will need to apply through

To support your students in applying for a U.S. Student Program award, please connect with the Fulbright Program Adviser at your institution.

Non U.S. Citizens

If you are a non-U.S. citizen interested in applying for a Fulbright Award to the United States, you will need to apply through the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in your home country. Find out more information on the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program or Fulbright Foreign Student Program.

Application Components: Academic Fields

All applicants must complete and submit their applications via the Fulbright Online Application. This is where you enter data, upload documents, and register your recommenders and foreign language evaluator. The following items comprise the components of the Academic application:

Biographical Data

The Personal and Contact Information pages of the application ask for your basic personal information, such as your name, contact information, birth date, etc.

  • Complete all required fields: You should take care to accurately complete all of the required fields in these sections.
  • Use proper capitalization and punctuation: This is a formal grant application, and you are advised to follow the English language rules on capitalization and punctuation. Do not enter responses in all caps. Be sure to proofread your responses in the PDF proof prior to submitting your application.
Program Information

On the Program Information page, you must include a Project Title and an Abstract/Summary of Proposal. These sections are a quick reference for screening committees and other reviewers. They should be able to determine the basic who, what, when, where, why and how of your project by reading this abstract. The project title should be informative, as well.

  • Field of Study: Select from the drop-down the most closely-related field for the proposed project.
  • Project Title (90-character limit): A succinct title that clearly introduces the proposed project. This title will be listed in the Grantee Directory, should you be awarded a grant. 
  • Abstract/Summary of the Proposal (1750-character limit): A concise description of the what, where, and why of the proposed project. If you are proposing the pursuit of a graduate degree program, summarize the program and relevance to your career/education plans․
Statement of Grant Purpose

The Statement of Grant Purpose outlines the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of what you are proposing for your Fulbright grant. If you are pursuing a research project, developing a strong, feasible and compelling project is the most important aspect of a successful Fulbright application. The Statement of Grant Purpose is limited to 6,000 characters in length including spaces and punctuation.

The first step is to thoroughly read the award description for your selected award and host country to understand the type of grant you are allowed to propose (Independent Study/Research or Graduate Degree Enrollment). Depending on the country and award parameters, applicants may have the option to propose completing a graduate degree program. Some countries have specific arrangements or named awards for graduate study. In this case, applicants should focus on demonstrating the reasons for pursuing the proposed graduate program at a particular institution in the host country.

Whether you are applying for a research project or a degree program, the proposal should indicate a clear commitment to the host country community and a description of how you will engage with it.

Develop an intellectually compelling and feasible project: This is the most important factor in presenting a successful application. Program design will vary by country and award, and while some countries encourage applicants to incorporate coursework into a project, others prefer independent research. You should ensure that your proposed project fits the program guidelines for the host country and award.

For applicants proposing independent study/research projects, address the following points:

  • With whom do you propose to work?
  • What do you propose to do?
  • What is innovative about the research? What will this research contribute to the field/discipline?
  • What are the specific research goals and methodologies?
  • What is important or significant about the project?
  • What contribution will the project make toward the Fulbright goal of promoting cross-cultural exchange and mutual understanding?
  • When will you carry out the project? Include a feasible timeline.
  • Where do you propose to conduct your study or research? Why did you choose this location?
  • Why do you want to undertake this project?
  • What are your qualifications for carrying out this project?
  • Why does the project have to be conducted in the country of application?
  • How will your project help further your academic or professional development?
  • How will you engage with the host country community? Give specific ideas that relate to your own personal or professional interests.

Design a feasible project: You must demonstrate that your research strategy is viable, including its content, methodology, and time frame.

Address the following points:

  • Will the resources of the host country support the project?
  • Have you developed a connection with a potential adviser in the host country who has knowledge of the research topic and access to other appropriate contacts in the field?
  • Do you have the necessary academic/field-specific qualifications to undertake the proposed research?
  • Do you have sufficient language skills for the project being proposed and to serve the basic purposes of the Fulbright Program? If not, how will you accomplish these goals?
    • You should consider that, even if a country indicates that English will be sufficient for carrying out the proposed project, for purposes of engaging with your host community, at least a basic level of language skill should be obtained prior to leaving the United States for the host country.
  • What are your plans for improving your language skills, if they are not adequate at the time of application?
  • Are there any possible feasibility concerns related to the project being proposed?

For applicants proposing to enroll in graduate degree programs
, address the following points:

  • Why do you want to pursue the proposed program in the country to which you are applying?
  • What are your reasons for selecting this particular institution?
  • Do you have the requisite academic/field-specific background to gain admission to and successfully undertake the proposed graduate degree program?
  • Why do you want to gain a better understanding of the peoples and cultures of your host country? Please demonstrate specific ideas on how you will integrate into the host country community that relate to your own personal or professional interests.
  • Do you have sufficient language skills to successfully complete the program, especially if the program is not taught in English?
  • Do you have the flexibility and dynamism necessary to adapt to life in the host country?

Candidates applying through U.S. institutions are urged to consult professors in their field of study or faculty members with experience in the host country, as well as their Fulbright Program Advisers, about the feasibility of their proposed projects. At-Large applicants should consult similarly qualified persons in their fields.

Crafting your proposal:

  • Be clear and concise. The individuals reading the proposal want applicants to get to the point about the 'who, what, when, where, why, and how' of the project. Avoid discipline-specific jargon and ensure your application can be clearly understood by a general audience.
  • Organize the statement carefully.
  • Don't make reviewers search for information. We urge you to have several people read and critique your Statement of Grant Purpose, including a faculty adviser, a faculty member outside your discipline, a fellow student, and/or a colleague.

Adhere to the proper format:

  • Length is limited to a maximum of  6,000 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The application system will not allow  more than 6,000 characters to  be entered into the text field.
  • Do not include any bibliographies, publications, citations, etc. Citations are not required for your Statement of Grant Purpose.
  • Do not include links to websites or external files/materials. Adding any URLs to external websites  may result in your application being deemed ineligible for consideration.
  • Do not include personal contact information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, in your Statement of Grant Purpose.
  • Do not include personal contact information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, in your uploaded essays. Statement of Grant Purpose.
  • Applications are reviewed as PDFs. You can review the Application Proof PDF on the Review & Submit page. It is important to review formatting to ensure that text responses are not cut off and display correctly. 
    • Please note: Excessive use of returns or paragraph breaks may cause your response to be cut off in the application PDF.
Affiliation Letter

For Study/Research Applicants, affiliation with an educational institution or other sponsoring entity in the host country is required, even if the grant project is primarily research, an artistic activity, or does not require enrollment in regular classes. . All applicants are required to list a proposed affiliate, with some awards requiring a letter of affiliation to be submitted at the time of the application deadline. Please refer to the award description for specific requirements on which institutions or organizations can serve as an affiliate.

Failure to submit a letter of affiliation for an award which requires one at the national deadline may result in an application being deemed ineligible. Late affiliation letters are not accepted.

The affiliation letter should come from the institution and/or individual in the host country with whom you are proposing to work. It should be written in or translated to English, printed on official letterhead, and should be signed by the author (electric signatures are permitted).

Affiliation letters cannot be written by an individual related to you. Do not submit affiliation letters from a parent, sibling, or other relative.

Understand the affiliation requirements for the country to which you are applying: Affiliation arrangements vary by country and may not require a letter to be submitted  at the time of application – however, all Academic applicants must have a proposed affiliation listed in their application. Carefully review the affiliation information provided in the award description for your host country.

Each country differs in the kinds of host affiliates that are acceptable. Examples of affiliations include universities, laboratories, libraries, non-governmental organizations, and so on. Pay special attention to the requirements in some countries to attend classes and/or affiliate with academic institutions. Proposing an affiliate that does not meet the requirements for your chosen award may result in your application being deemed ineligible for consideration.

Identify an appropriate affiliation for your project: The affiliation is your proposed host in the country to which you are applying. Fulbrighters have used a number of methods to contact potential hosts and solicit support for their projects. One primary method is to use the contacts and advisers that you already have. Ask current or former professors to put you in contact with the appropriate people in the host country. If the proposal contains a strong research component, you must have host country contacts that can support the research, provide access to required resources, and/or advise you during the grant period. It is your responsibility to identify, contact, and secure an affiliation from a potential adviser. IIE/Fulbright staff cannot secure affiliations on behalf of applicants.

Potential avenues to identify an appropriate affiliation/host country adviser include:

  • Faculty at your home campus.
  • International students.
  • Visiting Fulbright Professors in the U.S. or U.S. Fulbright Scholars who had grants to your host country. Directories are available here.
  • Internet searches of faculty at potential host institutions with your interests, or organizations in the host country that work with issues related to your topic.
  • Other U.S. academics with expertise in the location/subject matter of the proposed project.
  • Contacts from previous experience abroad.
  • Educational Advising sections of Embassies or Consulates of your potential host country.

Start early: Obtaining an affiliation letter from overseas can be a time-consuming process, and sufficient time must be given to receive signed affiliation letters before the application deadline. Late affiliation letters will not be accepted after the application deadline.

Request the Affiliation Letter: After identifying the appropriate host institution and the individual at that institution best suited to serve as an adviser for the proposed project, contact the potential adviser to determine if they are willing to write an affiliation letter. Before requesting the letter, you should provide the author with a copy of the Statement of Grant Purpose. The affiliation letter should indicate the author’s willingness to work with you on the intended project and it should speak to the feasibility and validity of what is being proposed. The letter should also indicate any additional resources or contacts that the adviser can provide to support the work.

  • Scanned versions of the original hard-copy letters with hand-written signatures should be uploaded into the application. Letter writers can either send the original hard-copy letters or electronic copies to the applicants.
  • Since affiliation letters are not confidential, you will upload the letter yourself into the online application system. Affiliation letters written in a foreign language must be translated into English and both the original letters and the English-language translations must be uploaded into the application. An ‘official’ translation of the letter is not required.
  • Instructions on uploading letters of affiliation are available in the Fulbright online application system.  IIE will not accept any affiliation letters via email, fax, or mail.

Adhere to the proper format:

  • The affiliation letter must be printed on an institutional letterhead and must be signed by the author.
  • Copies of email correspondence will not be accepted.
  • Do not upload any documents other than a letter of affiliation to this field of the application. Uploading extraneous materials to this field (e.g. a resume or CV) may result in your application being deemed ineligible for consideration.
Short Answers: Fulfilling the Fulbright Mission

A core tenet of the Fulbright Program is to foster mutual understanding between the U.S. and other countries through cross-cultural exchange. During their grants, Fulbrighters will meet, work, live with, and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences.

Applicants must respond to the below prompts which address the mission of the Fulbright Program:

Flexibility & Adaptability (2,000 character limit): Please explain how you will adapt to working and living in a new environment in the host country. Consider the ways in which you have grown throughout your life that make you the individual you are today. How have you demonstrated these qualities in your academic, professional, or personal life? Use specific examples from your personal experiences.

Community Engagement (2,000 character limit): How will you integrate within and engage with your host community? Consider the ways in which you engage with your U.S. community (through extracurricular activities, hobbies, or volunteering), and how you can engage with these ideas and practices while on grant. In what unique ways do you plan to share your culture and values in your host community and learn from others? How do your lived experiences prepare you to represent the United States as a cultural ambassador? Provide specific examples.

Impact of Fulbright Award (1,000 character limit): An objective of the Fulbright Program is to:

“support activities and projects with broad multiplier effects. As a relatively small number of persons can participate in any of these, it is desirable that they be persons who are or who are likely to be in positions to share their experiences and knowledge with others.”

Describe your career and/or educational plans after completing a Fulbright grant. How will your Fulbright experience help you reach these future goals? How will you share your Fulbright experience with your community upon your return from the grant?

Do not repeat information from other parts of the application.

Adhere to the proper format:

  • Do not include links to websites or external files/materials. Adding any URLs to external websites may result in your application being deemed ineligible for consideration.
  • Do not include personal contact information, such as email addresses or phone numbers, in your uploaded essays.
  • Applications are reviewed as PDFs and have limited space allotted for each Short Answer response. You can review the Application Proof PDF on the Review & Submit page. It is important to review formatting to ensure that text responses are not cut off and display correctly. 
    • Please note: Excessive use of returns or paragraph breaks may cause your response to be cut off in the application PDF.
Foreign Language Forms

Language requirements vary by country, so before starting the application you should review the specific language proficiency requirements of your selected award. You must possess the necessary language skills to successfully complete the project you are proposing.

For programs where language skills are required:

  • You must complete the Language Self Evaluation form within the application, and register an individual to complete the Foreign Language Evaluation Form. The Foreign Language Evaluation Form is completed by a professional language teacher, preferably a university professor.
  • Submission of both the Language Self-Evaluation portion of the application and Foreign Language Evaluation form is mandatory, even if you have advanced skills or are a native speaker of the language. The application system will not allow the submission of an application if a required Foreign Language Evaluation form is not registered.  Failure to submit required language forms may result in your application being deemed ineligible for consideration.

For programs where language skills are recommended or not required:

  • If you possess some language skills relevant to the host country or proposed project, you should complete the Language Self Evaluation and submit a Foreign Language Evaluation Form. It will be beneficial to have your language ability documented, even if it is not required for the award. Remember, even if a country indicates that English will be sufficient for carrying out the proposed project, for purposes of engaging with your host community, at least a basic level of language skill should be obtained prior to leaving the United States for the host country.

For programs in countries where English is one of the national languages, you do not need to submit any foreign language forms unless a foreign language is required for your project.

If language proficiency is not required for the award and you have little or no knowledge of the language relevant to the host country but plan to acquire proficiency prior to the start of the grant, you may discuss your plans in the Language Self Evaluation. In this case, you should not obtain a Foreign Language Evaluation.

For Commonly-Taught Languages: The Foreign Language Evaluation should be completed by a professional language teacher, preferably a university professor. The language evaluator cannot be related to the applicant.

For Less-Commonly-Taught Languages: If a professional language teacher is not readily available, a college-educated native-speaker of the language can be used. The language evaluator cannot be related to the applicant.

Provide your language evaluator with the Instructions for Foreign Language Evaluators. You can print these out and discuss them with the person completing the form.

If you wish to have the same person complete both a recommendation and a Foreign Language Evaluation, you will need to register the person once for the recommendation and once for the Foreign Language Evaluation. Please check with your evaluator/recommender to ensure they receive the correct forms. If your evaluator/recommender is having issues accessing the forms, please instruct them to email for assistance.


You must submit three recommendation letters as part of the application. The authors should be the three individuals who can best speak to any or all of the following:

  • your ability to carry out the project being proposed, including your intellectual and professional preparation
  • your ability to adapt to the host country and to engage with the community there
  • your ability to represent the U.S. abroad and be a cultural ambassador
  • the impact the Fulbright grant would have on you academically, professionally, and/or personally

You should provide the recommender with a copy of your Statement of Grant Purpose before requesting the recommendation letter. The recommendation letter should NOT simply be a character reference, as this will be of no value in assessing your ability to complete the proposed project.

  • Recommenders cannot be related to you. Do not submit recommendations from a parent, sibling, or other relative.
  • Provide reference writers with copies of the Statement of Grant Purpose and the Short Answers so that they can write well-informed recommendation letters.
  • It is common courtesy to give recommenders at least 4-5 weeks to complete the recommendation letters. Confirm with your recommenders that they can submit your recommendation letters within this timeframe, and ahead of the national deadline.
  • You must register the recommenders in the online application system so that they can upload their recommendation letters directly into the application. When available, it is preferred you register your recommenders using their professional or institutional email address. Let your recommenders/evaluators know that they should be expecting an email message with the following information in the header:
    • From: Fulbright U․S․Student Program (
    • Subject: Fulbright Recommendation for [Your Name]
  • Recommendations must remain confidential. Applicants cannot upload recommendation letters on behalf of their recommenders, and recommenders should not share their recommendations with applicants.
  • Recommendation letters should be on institutional letterhead, signed by the authors, and then uploaded into the online application system. Digital signatures are also acceptable.
  • Provide your recommenders with the Instructions for Study/Research Recommendation Writers
  • All recommendations must be written in English. If the original recommendation letter is written in a language other than English there must be an official English translation. Because the recommendation letter is confidential, the translation cannot be done by the applicant. Both the original recommendation letter and the English-language translation must be uploaded into the Fulbright application as a single document.
  • After the recommendation is submitted, it cannot be edited. However, if there is a significant error and the recommender agrees to submit a revised recommendation, the following process must be followed:
    • The deadline to request a letter be un-submitted is Friday, October 3, 2025 at 5:00pm Eastern Time.
    • The recommender sends an email from the registered email account to to request that the recommendation be un-submitted.
    • The email to must include the applicant’s full name and country of application.
    • The recommender will need to allow at least 48 hours for the request to be implemented.
    • Once the recommendation is un-submitted, the recommender can edit the recommendation and resubmit.
  • All recommendations must be submitted by the application deadline, Tuesday October 7, 2025. Late recommendation submissions are not accepted under any circumstances.
  • If a recommendation letter needs to be removed from the application after being submitted, the recommender must send an email from the registered email account to to request that the recommendation be deleted from the application.

Note: Applicants and Fulbright Program Advisers cannot request that a recommendation be un-submitted.

Applicants can follow the status of the recommendation (In progress, Submitted) from the Applicant Status Page. Additional instructions and details on the submission of recommendations are available in the online application system.



The Fulbright Program requires a complete academic record of your higher education. You must provide transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions from which you received degrees. Transcripts must also be submitted from other institutions where you studied and received 12 or more credits for coursework where the credits are not reflected as transfer credits on your undergraduate transcript.

You may submit documentation of certificates (e.g.: non-degree programs) only if relevant to your Fulbright Grant Purpose The review committees will take into consideration your relevant academic records in their review.․ However, do not submit unrelated or excessive documents as they will not enhance your application․

Failure to submit at minimum the required transcripts will result in your application being declared ineligible.

  • You must upload one unofficial academic transcript from each post-secondary institution from which you received (or expect to receive) a degree.
    • Additional transcripts should be uploaded for coursework and grades that are not reflected as transferred credits on degree-granting transcripts.
  • If a degree is still in progress, you may upload a copy that shows the most recently completed semester. If you are in the first semester of a degree program and do not have a transcript yet, you do not need to provide any documentation.  
  • The uploaded document must be produced by your institution’s registrar. Make sure that the document that you submit clearly shows your name, the name of the institution, and appears as an academic record that is organized chronologically--with course dates, titles, credits, and grades. Screenshots of online academic portals (e.g. a course schedule or academic advising record) will not be accepted.
  • Graduate-level students who do not include their undergraduate transcripts will be considered ineligible.
  • Narrative evaluations: Applicants who do not receive letter grades at their institution and have transcripts comprised of narrative evaluations must submit a transcript summary listing the courses taken and credit received, followed by several pages of narrative comments from the most recent semesters and/or courses that are most relative to the project. Applicants should not submit all narrative comments, and should take care to only submit those that are most relative to their Fulbright proposal. Submitting excessive pages of narrative evaluations may not be helpful to the review committees.

Uploading the transcripts: Applicants may upload transcripts as a single or multi-page PDF to the online application system. Ensure your document is legible and the orientation is correct for all transcript pages submitted by previewing your application proof.

Links to transcript hosted online are not accepted. Transcripts that cannot be viewed in the online application system will be considered missing from the application.

All selected candidates will be asked to submit final transcripts prior to the start of their grant.

Ethical Requirements

Applicants proposing research involving human beings or animals as research subjects should have their projects vetted by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at their home institutions. Pending selection, grantees may also be required to obtain research clearance from the host country (where applicable). Strong letters of affiliation should include the host institution’s commitment to guiding the applicant through any in-country clearance processes.

At-Large applicants should conduct an individual ethics review ensuring that their proposed projects are consistent with ethical standards for research involving humans as research participants as outlined in the National Guidelines for Human Subjects Research (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health), and in the National Guidelines for Animal Welfare at the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare or other applicable internationally recognized ethics guidance documents.

Human subjects research includes: 

  • Clinical investigations (any experiment or study on one or more persons which involves a test product/article, whether a drug, treatment, procedure or device); 
  • Social-behavioral studies which entail interaction with or observation of people, especially vulnerable populations (i.e., as minors, pregnant women, inmates, drug-users, the mentally impaired, displaced/refugee populations); and, 
  • Basic scientific research to study the biology of animals, persons, or organs and specimens thereof. 

The most fundamental issues in studies involving human research subjects include: valid scientific questions and approaches; potential social value; favorable risk-benefit ratio; fair selection of study participants and an adequately administered informed consent process.

On the ‘Affiliation’ page of the application, applicants must note if their proposed project will involve activities that may require a license to practice and/or involve clinical training and/or patient care.

While IRB approval is not required at the time of application, individuals selected for grants must abide by all ethical requirements before commencing their research on human and/or animal subjects through a Fulbright award.


Study/Research Application Components Overview


Checklist For Academic Candidates

Checklist For Academic Candidates

Starting The Application

  • Contact the Fulbright Program Adviser at your school to discuss the campus application process and note any campus deadlines (pertains only to candidates applying through a U.S. institution).
  • Carefully review the program summary for the country and award to which you are applying.
  • Draft a Statement of Grant Purpose that is feasible and culturally appropriate for the country of application.
  • Identify a potential affiliation in the host country and make contact with an appropriate person there who might be able to serve as an adviser and who could write the Affiliation Letter for the Fulbright application. Provide the author of the affiliation letter with a copy of your Statement of Grant Purpose.
  • If you are proposing a graduate degree program, review the admission requirements and application deadlines of the proposed host institution and program. Applicants proposing to pursue a graduate degree program must apply to the degree-granting program separate from their Fulbright application.
  • Draft your Short Answers responses to the three Short Answer prompts: Flexibility & Adaptability, Community Engagement, and Impact of Fulbright Award
  • Consult with professors and/or colleagues with background in the country to which you are applying or those who have expertise in the field of study of the proposed project.
  • Solicit critiques on the draft Statement of Grant Purpose from professors, advisers, mentors, colleagues, etc., and make revisions as appropriate.
  • Contact 3 individuals to write recommendations. These individuals should be those who can best speak to your ability to carry out the project being proposed. You should provide a copy of your Statement of Grant Purpose to each recommender. Allow enough time for the recommender to complete their recommendation before your institution’s campus deadline and/or national deadline.
  • For candidates submitting Foreign Language Evaluations: Contact the professor or other professional foreign language instructor who will complete the Foreign Language Evaluation form for the application.
  • Obtain transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended.


Before Submitting The Application

  • Make any necessary revisions based on feedback from the Campus Interview Committee (pertains only to candidates applying through a U.S. institution).
  • Check for typos—misspellings, capitalization errors, grammatical mistakes, etc.
  • Make sure that all of the required fields on the Biographical Data pages have been filled in, including the Project Title and Abstract of Proposal sections.
  • Check to make sure that your Statement of Grant Purpose, the Short Answers, and the transcripts have been uploaded into the correct sections of the application.
  • Confirm that recommenders and language evaluators are registered in the application system and have received the email link to complete the recommendation/evaluation. Applicants can submit their application before the recommendations/evaluations are submitted. After application submission and before the national deadline, applicants can log in to the application and resend email links.
  • Preview the complete application in the Fulbright online application system by going to the Review page.
  • Save a copy of the application for your records.