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Current U.S. Student

United States citizens who are currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs are eligible to apply.If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a U.S. college or university, you will apply through that institution, even if you are not currently a resident there. Find the Fulbright Program Adviser on your campus.

U.S. Citizen but not a Student

If you are a U.S. citizen, will hold a bachelor’s degree by the award start date, and do not have a Ph.D. degree, then you are eligible to apply. Non-enrolled applicants should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Candidates with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program.

The Getting Started page will provide information on eligibility and next steps.


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program welcomes applications in the creative and performing arts. Arts candidates for the U.S. Student Program should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Artists with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program.

Creative & Performing Arts projects fall under the Study/Research grant category and are available in all countries where Study/Research grants are offered.


U.S. Professor/Administrator

If you are a U.S. citizen and a professor or administrator at a U.S. institution and are interested in applying for a Fulbright Scholar Award, you will need to apply through

To support your students in applying for a U.S. Student Program award, please connect with the Fulbright Program Adviser at your institution.

Non U.S. Citizens

If you are a non-U.S. citizen interested in applying for a Fulbright Award to the United States, you will need to apply through the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in your home country. Find out more information on the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program or Fulbright Foreign Student Program.


5 Fulbright/Arabic Language Study Grants at CAASIC

Accepted Degree Levels
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Doctoral
Grant Period
September Start
Grant Length
9 Months
Award Type
Special Study/Research
Award Profile

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program and the Center for Advanced Arabic Study in Cairo (CAASIC) are accepting applications to the Fulbright Arabic Language Study Grants at CAASIC for academic year 2025-2026. Applicants applying for this award must have an acceptance letter for the CAASIC Fall and Spring 9-month option for academic year 2024-2025. If awarded a Fulbright grant, the student’s acceptance to CAASIC will be automatically deferred to academic year 2025-2026.

Please note that components of the application to the Fulbright Arabic Language Study Grants at CAASIC must be completed prior to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program application deadline. A detailed application timeline can be found below.

CAASIC is an intensive Arabic language program designed for students from the United States with high levels of Arabic proficiency to attend the American University in Cairo (AUC) to advance their Arabic language fluency. This program offers a rigorous academic and immersive experience in the culture of Egypt and the Middle East. 

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants to successful candidates who are selected for the CAASIC Program and meet the eligibility and selection requirements of the Fulbright Program. Clearance from the Government of Egypt is required for all Fulbright U.S. Student grants and must be obtained in order for award issuance. The Fulbright Commission will facilitate the approval process on the student’s behalf. Final awards for 2025-2026 are contingent upon medical clearance, clearance by the Government of Egypt, the availability of funds, the security situation in country and the operating status of the host institution and the Fulbright Program in-country.

IMPORTANT: Grantees of the Fulbright Arabic Language Study Grants at CAASIC must abide by all regulations of the Fulbright Commission in Egypt as well as the security guidelines communicated by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the Fulbright Commission.

Grant Length
9 Months
Grant Period
September Start

Grant dates must align with the academic calendar of the host institution and the CAASIC 9-month Fall and Spring program.


  1. Fulbright U.S. Student Competition Opens: April 2, 2024
  2. CAASIC Program application deadline: July 20, 2024
  3. CAASIC Program acceptance emails: August 1, 2024 
  4. Fulbright U.S. Student Competition Deadline: October 8, 2024 at 5 p.m. Eastern Time
  5. Fulbright U.S. Student Program Selection for Egypt: July 2025
  6. Grant Start Date: September 2025
  7. Grant End Date: May 2026
In-Country Orientation

No in-person Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO). However, the Fulbright Commission in Egypt conducts a Virtual Pre-Departure Orientation (VPDO) and grantees also receive pre-departure material prior to arrival. 

Additionally, an in-country orientation is held at the beginning of the academic year in Egypt. The Fulbright Commission in Egypt is committed to the safety and security of all grantees, so the orientation will include a security briefing. The orientations will also include information about living in Cairo, program requirements, and the higher education system in Egypt. All grantees are required to attend these orientations.

Grantees must also participate in orientations and activities conducted by the CAASIC Program at AUC.

Candidate Profile

Applicants should be advanced Arabic language learners who have successfully completed their undergraduate studies at the time of application, meet the CAASIC language proficiency requirements, and have been accepted into a structured program of study at CAASIC at the American University in Cairo.

Applicants must provide a well-thought-out career plan and demonstrate knowledge and interest in Egypt, the Arabic language, and/or the MENA region. Moreover, the program is a good fit for individuals who demonstrate sensitivity to the current geopolitical situation in the region and who are committed to mutual understanding and cultural exchange that embody the spirit of the Fulbright Program. 

What is life like for Fulbrighters in the host country?

Egypt is a country with a rich history, a beautiful and diverse topography, and a robust and nuanced cultural context. It is known for its bustling capital, its rapidly growing population, and its unique role in the region. It is situated at the northeastern corner of Africa and is bordered by the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Occupying an area of 386,662 square miles, Egypt’s population is approximately 107 million citizens, 95% of which live along the Nile which occupies only 5% of the country’s territory – making the Nile Valley one of the world’s most densely populated areas. Greater Cairo, a metropolitan area including Cairo and parts of Giza and Qalyubia is estimated to have been home to over 22.8 million residents, increasing by about half a million inhabitants every year and constituting approximately 25% of the country’s population. (Source: Reuters)

The cultural scene continues to develop with new additions such as the Museum of Egyptian Civilization, which opened in 2021, and the Grand Egyptian Museum that is currently under construction. As a destination, Egypt offers a chance for Americans to participate in diverse cultural opportunities while experiencing day-to-day life in present-day Cairo. American student grantees engage with Egyptian peers and experts at their host institutions, get immersed in the culture, and build connections with Egypt that lasts throughout their career.

The Fulbright Arabic Language Study Grants at CAASIC provide immersive language study and cultural opportunities for advanced students of Arabic. The program is housed at the American University in Cairo’s historic 1919 downtown campus in Tahrir Square. This is a centrally located and vibrant part of the city filled with shops, cafes and restaurants. AUC’s Tahrir Campus offers students a chance to immerse in the bustling downtown Cairo scene and learn about its rich history and heritage. Within a five-minute walk from the campus is the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, located on the opposite side of Tahrir Square, and the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.

A required in-country orientation is held for Fulbright grantees upon arrival in Egypt. The orientation includes information on health and safety in Egypt, day-to-day living, dependent support, and host institutions and the higher education context.

Residency in host country permitted in year prior to grant
Dual citizens of this country are eligible
  • Meet the Fulbright U.S. Student Program eligibility requirements 
  • Provide a letter of acceptance from CAASIC (Fall and Spring 9-months program option) for the academic year 2024-2025

For details regarding the eligibility requirements of the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, please visit:

For details regarding the eligibility requirements and the online application for the CAASIC program, please visit: 

Degree Level of Applicant
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Doctoral
Foreign Language Proficiency
Required - Advanced
Fulbright Proposal Types
Independent Study/Research:
Graduate Degree Enrollment:
Graduate Degree Enrollment:
Letter required at deadline

At the time of applying to the CAASIC Program, the application available on the AUC website will be for the academic year 2024-2025 program competition. Therefore, applicants may include the acceptance letter to the CAASIC 2024-2025 9-month Fall and Spring program in their Fulbright academic year 2025-2026 application or alternatively inform CAASIC that they are applying for Fulbright funding for academic year 2025-2026 and request an acceptance letter for the following year. Either acceptance letter is acceptable as part of the Fulbright application.

For inquiries regarding the application process to CAASIC, please contact:

Affiliation Fees/Tuition
Affiliation Fees/Tuition covered in grant benefits
Award Benefits
  • A stipend broadly based on the cost of living in the host country. These funds may be used by the grantee to support housing, meals, and incidental costs during the grant period.
  • International travel benefits
  • Accident & sickness health benefits
  • 24/7 mental health support line for urgent and non-urgent situations
  • 12 months of non-competitive eligibility (NCE) hiring status within the federal government
Stipend Amount

This is an estimated amount and is subject to change. The financial terms of the grant will be confirmed in the grant document issued after selection.

35,000 monthly stipend amount in
ج.م. [Egyptian Pound]

The Fulbright/Arabic Language Study Grants at CAASIC offer a comprehensive package that covers tuition, stipend, housing, airfare, health benefits coverage and participation in cultural and educational activities during the program. The stipend rate for this award is set at the Arabic Language Study stipend level, which takes into consideration the program design and activities.

One-Time Allowances

This is an estimated amount and is subject to change. The financial terms of the grant will be confirmed in the grant document issued after selection.

  • Excess baggage fees
  • Housing allowance (separate from living stipend)
  • Local transportation allowance

International travel and relocation allowance is provided and is designed to cover round trip airfare to Egypt and associated costs, including excess baggage fees.

Housing is provided in-kind on a shared accommodation basis.  

Estimated Cost of Living

Consider using cost of living comparison websites to gain a better understanding of the potential costs in your host country.

Housing: Arranged and provided on a shared accommodations basis. 

Food, Drink, and Household Products: Both small and large chain supermarkets are available throughout Cairo. They sell groceries, meat and poultry, and household items of local and several international brands. The prices of local fruits and vegetables range between 50 – 150 EGP per 1kg. Organic produce is also available. The price of local meat and poultry range between 150 – 600 EGP per 1 kg. A carton of bottled water costs around 80 EGP. Eating out is more expensive, with prices ranging from 100 – 1000 EGP per person, depending on the restaurant and choice of cuisine. The current exchange rate is approximately 31 EGP = $1.

Transportation: On-demand taxi service apps such as Uber are readily available in Egypt and are inexpensive mode of transportation. Payment options include credit card. Mileage costs are liable to change. The average cost for a 15km Uber trip in Cairo is around 150 EGP, depending on traffic.

Dependent financial support is NOT available

Fulbright Arabic Language Study at CAASIC grantees cannot be accompanied by dependents.

Housing Arrangements

Housing is arranged and provided in-kind on a shared accommodation basis.  

Fulbright Program Management Contact
Fulbright Commission/U.S. Embassy Website
Special Considerations

Clearance from the Government of Egypt is required for all Fulbright U.S. Student grants and must be obtained in order for award issuance. The Fulbright Commission will facilitate the approval process on the student’s behalf.

Security Information

Please consult with the State Department Travel Advisory for Egypt for information on living in and traveling to Egypt.

Fulbright Commission/U.S. Embassy Contact