2025 Fulbright Program Updates FAQs
In-Program Activities
The following inboxes are being monitored. You can continue to email these inboxes dependent on your region/program:
- FulbrightStudentAdvisingAF@iie.org
- FulbrightStudentAdvisingEAP@iie.org
- FulbrightStudentAdvisingEUR@iie.org
- FulbrightStudentAdvisingMENA@iie.org
- FulbrightStudentAdvisingSCA@iie.org
- FulbrightStudentAdvisingWHA@iie.org
- FBstudent.NatGeo@iie.org
- FulbrightStudentAdvisingJohnLewis@iie.org
- FBstudent.fogarty@iie.org
Delayed State Department funding disbursements have affected IIE’s ability to disburse payments as scheduled. As IIE receives State Department funding, you will receive your subsequent stipend(s) in accordance with your Fulbright Grant Authorization Document/Terms and Conditions.
Please contact your U.S. Embassy point of contact as your first line of communication during an emergency. During non-business hours, you can contact the American Citizen Services office at the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Should you need additional assistance from IIE, please reach out to the relevant inbox noted above. Please continue to reference the Fulbright Finalist Resources page.
We understand your concerns; however, we are unable to provide additional guidance if the funding delays continue.
End of Program Plans
You are permitted to end your grant early, and you will remain a Fulbright alum in good standing with access to alumni benefits. Please keep the U.S. Embassy and the relevant inbox above informed of any changes to your grant plans.
We hope to be able to book future travel dates and assist with changes to existing itineraries pending the sufficient availability of funding from the U.S. Department of State. For those who received a travel allowance in their initial stipend payment, you may proceed with booking return flights.