The 2025-2026 application is now closed. The 2026-2027 competition will open in Spring 2025.

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Current U.S. Student

United States citizens who are currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate degree programs are eligible to apply.If you are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program at a U.S. college or university, you will apply through that institution, even if you are not currently a resident there. Find the Fulbright Program Adviser on your campus.

U.S. Citizen but not a Student

If you are a U.S. citizen, will hold a bachelor’s degree by the award start date, and do not have a Ph.D. degree, then you are eligible to apply. Non-enrolled applicants should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Candidates with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program.

The Getting Started page will provide information on eligibility and next steps.


The Fulbright U.S. Student Program welcomes applications in the creative and performing arts. Arts candidates for the U.S. Student Program should have relatively limited professional experience in the fields (typically 7 years or less) in which they are applying. Artists with more experience should consider applying for the Fulbright Scholar Program.

Creative & Performing Arts projects fall under the Study/Research grant category and are available in all countries where Study/Research grants are offered.


U.S. Professor/Administrator

If you are a U.S. citizen and a professor or administrator at a U.S. institution and are interested in applying for a Fulbright Scholar Award, you will need to apply through

To support your students in applying for a U.S. Student Program award, please connect with the Fulbright Program Adviser at your institution.

Non U.S. Citizens

If you are a non-U.S. citizen interested in applying for a Fulbright Award to the United States, you will need to apply through the Fulbright Commission or U.S. Embassy in your home country. Find out more information on the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program or Fulbright Foreign Student Program.


1 Fulbright/NAF Gree Polder and Charles Stapper Fellowship in Dutch and Netherlandish Art NEW

Accepted Degree Levels
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Doctoral
Grant Period
Fall Start
Grant Length
9 Months
Award Type
Special Study/Research
Specialized Grant Types
  • Arts
Award Profile

This Fellowship focuses on Dutch and Netherlandish Art, distributed by the Netherland-America Foundation. Building on the enduring heritage and values shared between the peoples of the Netherlands and the United States, the Netherland-America Foundation (NAF) seeks to further strengthen the bonds between our two countries through exchange in the arts, sciences, education, business, and public affairs.

Grant Length
9 Months
Grant Period
Fall Start

Grant activities must begin by September 1, so that the grantees can attend the first orientation meeting which will be held at the end of August or the beginning of September. Some university programs may start before this date. The grants for specific universities and/or topics, listed separately on the Netherlands page, may have a longer duration than 9 months, please review the specific grant information under these grants for specifics on the grant period.  The open study/research grants are 9 months.

In-Country Orientation

The one-day Fulbright In-Country orientation will take place at the end of August/beginning of September (date to be determined). There also is a second introduction meeting at the end of September at the U.S. Ambassador's Residence.

Group of people on stairway

Candidate Profile

Candidates at all degree levels will be considered. There is a preference for proposals centered around women artists in the Golden Age. Fields of study within art may be interpreted broadly, and can include fine arts like painting, silver craft, woodworking, literature, poetry, translation, and other cultural expressions. Proposals in art conservation are ineligible to receive this Fellowship.

The Fulbright Commission the Netherlands prefers applications from graduate students who will do a master’s degree program, or who combine research and advanced graduate courses and seminars at Dutch universities, conservatories, and art schools. Students working toward their Ph.D. degrees who can carry out well-formulated independent research projects will also be considered.

Applicants planning to do an independent research project immediately after receiving a bachelor’s degree should have a significant amount of research experience.

What is life like for Fulbrighters in the host country?

The Netherlands is a small country, approximately the size of Maryland or West-Virginia. It is a fairly densely populated country, with good public transport links. This makes it easy to travel to other parts of the country during your stay. It has a temperate climate with a fair amount of rain. The Dutch economy is geared mainly towards import/export, services and trade, and less on heavy industry. Most Dutch people will be able to speak basic English, and you will be able to get around without speaking Dutch. However, it is really appreciated if you learn some Dutch either before or during your stay in the Netherlands. With two airports in Amsterdam and Eindhoven, it is also easy to reach other European countries for weekend trips. 

The Dutch are known for being direct, which can also be interpreted as being rude or blunt. In general, most Fulbright grantees indicate that it takes a bit of getting used to, but they appreciate it after being in the country for a while. The grading system in the Netherlands may also take some time getting used to. It ranges from 10-1, with a 10 being a perfect score and anything below 6 a fail. The grades 10 and 9 are rarely given, only in case of exceptionally good work, a 7 and 8 are considered to be good grades. Also, the courses and grading are mostly based on exams at the end of term. In terms of discussions on diversity, equity and access, there is a growing awareness of the systemic inequalities in society. You may find that there are differences in interpretation and the discussion between the U.S. and the Netherlands on these topics. 

The Dutch Fulbright Commission will organize four meetings during your stay, two introduction meetings at the beginning of the grant period, a mid-year evaluation and a meeting at the end of the grant period. There also is a cultural excursion program in place, where an alumna organizes 5 excursions to places of interest in the Netherlands.

Group of people in front of framed artwork

Group of people outside posing with food

Residency in host country NOT permitted in year prior to grant
Indicate how many months is considered residency:
1 Month
Dual citizens of this country are NOT eligible

Fulbright the Netherlands prefers to select applicants with no or limited experience in the Netherlands, especially in the year before the grant period. A brief holiday or a summer program in the year before the grant year would be acceptable. 

Degree Level of Applicant
  • Bachelor's
  • Master's
  • Doctoral
Special Application Instructions

In your Fulbright online application, for Award Name please select NAF Gree Polder and Charles Stapper Fellowship in Dutch and Netherlandish Art from the drop down menu.

Foreign Language Proficiency
Not Required

Dutch language proficiency is not required if the applicant is planning to do an English language Master, but is certainly useful to have. Some study of Dutch prior to arrival is encouraged to promote deeper engagement with the host community. In case Dutch language proficiency is required for the research project of the applicant, please indicate the level of proficiency achieved by the applicant in the project statement. 

Fulbright Proposal Types
Independent Study/Research:
Graduate Degree Enrollment:
Independent Study/Research:
Letter required for independent study or research at deadline
Graduate Degree Enrollment:
Letter of acceptance required prior to grant start

Applicants are responsible for arranging their own affiliations, or applications to a Dutch university.

An affiliation letter should always be included in the application in case of a research project (also in the arts).

In case of an application for a Master study program, no letter of affiliation is necessary. If already available, a letter of admission can be added. Most likely, however, due to the later application cycles at Dutch universities, applicants will not be able to secure a letter of admission before the deadline of the Fulbright grant application. If this is the case, the letter can be provided at a later date before the grant start, and it is not necessary to add a letter of affiliation instead. The application process for Fulbright and admission to a Dutch university are separate application processes with their own deadlines.  The Fulbright deadline will be earlier than the admission deadline at Dutch universities. If a candidate is applying for one of the specific university grants for the Netherlands and not in the open study/research category, please note that these university specific Fulbright grants have earlier deadlines! They can be found in the description of the specific grant. 

Due to the Dutch residence permit laws, all candidates need to be affiliated with an institute that has legal status to apply for a residence permit on the candidate's behalf. All universities, conservatories and most research institutes fall into this category. If the applicant's host institution does not fall into one of these categories mentioned, please inquire whether the host can apply for a residence permit on the applicant's behalf, and ask them to mention this in the affiliation letter. 

Affiliation Fees/Tuition
Affiliation Fees/Tuition not covered in grant benefits

Applicants should be aware that tuition waivers/reductions are rarely given. Tuition fee waivers are at the discretion of Dutch educational institutions, and applicants are responsible for requesting waivers. In the event a fee waiver/reduction is not granted, candidates should be aware that the Fulbright grant does not provide the cost of these fees. 

Award Benefits
  • A stipend broadly based on the cost of living in the host country. These funds may be used by the grantee to support housing, meals, and incidental costs during the grant period.
  • International travel benefits
  • Accident & sickness health benefits
  • 24/7 mental health support line for urgent and non-urgent situations
  • 12 months of non-competitive eligibility (NCE) hiring status within the federal government
Stipend Amount

This is an estimated amount and is subject to change. The financial terms of the grant will be confirmed in the grant document issued after selection.

1550 monthly stipend amount in
€ [Euro]
One-Time Allowances

This is an estimated amount and is subject to change. The financial terms of the grant will be confirmed in the grant document issued after selection.

1000 in
€ [Euro]
  • Registration/Permitting fees
  • Local transportation allowance

A residence permit is mandatory for the Netherlands. The costs of the residence permit will be reimbursed. Also, for any mandatory Fulbright meetings, local travel costs by public transport will be reimbursed. Also, either an international travel allowance of € 1,000 will be provided, or in case of a Netherland-America sponsored grant, a roundtrip ticket with KLM will be provided. 

Additional Grant Benefits
  • Mid-year seminar

There will be four meetings over the course of the year, one of which will be the mid-year evaluation. Grantees will also be reimbursed for a Museum Year Card, giving free  access to over 400 museums in the Netherlands. 

Estimated Cost of Living

Consider using cost of living comparison websites to gain a better understanding of the potential costs in your host country.

This website is a good way to get a general idea about the cost of living in the Netherlands. 

Dependent financial support is NOT available

Dependent support is not available. If an applicant is planning on bringing dependents, please contact the host institution to inquire whether they are willing to also apply for a residence permit for the dependents. Without a residence permit applied for by the host, dependents will not be able to join the applicant. 

Housing Arrangements

Grantees are responsible for finding housing themselves. The host universities may be able to help with this, but this is not guaranteed. 

Fulbright Program Management Contact
Fulbright Commission/U.S. Embassy Website
Fulbright Commission/U.S. Embassy Contact
Linda Pietersen :
Additional Online Resources
Dutch Government Website:
Information about the Netherlands:
Information about the Netherlands: